

The Assessment

The quiz questions are divided into 3 levels of difficulty: easy, intermediate and difficult questions.
There’s a different number of questions in of each difficulty. The number of points awarded for a question in the different levels are different as well.

All corrections are made by The Big Challenge.
For each of the school levels from primary to secondary, three rankings will be established: national, regional and by school.

Number of questions   55 questions
Points per correct answer  
  • 25 easy questions (4 points each)
  • 15 intermediate question (5 points each)
  • 15 difficult questions (6 points each)
Points for incorrect answer  
  • If an easy question is answered incorrectly, the 4 points are not awarded and 1 point is lost.
  • If an intermediate question is answered incorrectly, 5 points are not awarded and 1.25 points are lost.
  • If a difficult question is answered incorrectly, the 6 points are not awarded and 1.50 points are lost.
Points in absence of response   If no answer is given, the question is scored 0 points. If more than one answer is given, the question is also scored 0 points.
Bonus points   To avoid the risk of obtaining a negative number of points or 0 points, the total number of points obtained by adding all the points is increased by 85 points. Thus, each student’s grade will be between 18.75 and 350 points.
The answer to a 4-point question is correct. + 4
The answer to a 4-point question is incorrect. – 1
The answer to a 5-point question is correct. + 5
The answer to a 5-point question is incorrect. – 1,25
No answer to a question 0
The answer to a 6-point question is correct. + 6
The answer to a 6-point question is incorrect. – 1,50
Two answers are given to the same question 0
Total 11,25 points

11,25 + 85 = 96,25 points

For this example, the final score would be 96.25 out of 350.


Frequently asked questions

How difficult are the questionnaires?

Between primary and secondary there are 6 levels of questionnaires corresponding to each school level. The questionnaires are based on the CEFR.

You will find our recommendations below:

If you have any questions regarding the levels, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to inform you.

What should students do if they don't know the answer to a question?

If the student is able to eliminate one or two "wrong answers" and then hesitates between the remaining two, they should answer at random. Otherwise, it's better not to answer.

If you apply this method throughout the questionnaire, they're bound to succeed. A student who fills in an entire grid at random will have a final mark close to zero with our marking system. With a one in four chance of getting it right (and therefore scoring 4 points for an easy question) and losing a quarter of that score (1 point) every time they get an answer wrong, they will statistically arrive at a total close to zero.

On the other hand, a student who is not sure which of the four possible answers is right, but who is able to eliminate two wrong answers by thinking, for example, will be favoured because he will have a 50/50 chance of getting it right and will still only lose one point if he is wrong. But it's only because they've thought through the different possibilities first that they'll have a better chance.

And ultimately that's what we want: for students to learn to think before they answer!


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